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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Phases of Object Orientation in C#

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Before the actual development of any product, important steps such as analysis and design need to be performed. There are three main phases:

  • The Analysis Phase
  • The Design Phase
  • The Implementation Phase

Consider an aircraft manufacturing factory where a jetliner is being assembled and several competent engineers and workmen are working with specialized tools. Can you visualize them working on pure intuition, grabbing the tools and sitting down to work immediately? Or, do you see them working according to a detailed design on which they have spent hundreds of hours, and finally constructing the aircraft based on the specified design.

For the safety of the millions of people who fly every day, it is recommended to use a detailed design. After all, it is comforting to know that a lot of thought has gone into first making a model on paper and then translating the design into the physical jetliner. The same thing holds true for almost any item that is constructed. Similarly designers put pen to paper before attacking the fabric with scissores. Architects spend hours drawing layouts of buildings on blueprints before the bricks are laid.

Therefore the construction of software follows the same approach. The software industry still relies mainly on the informal paper-and-pencil approach in the upstream development phases.

It is this paper-and-pencil approach that is termed analysis and design. To analyze and design a system, you need to build a model of the system. This model is simpler than the system that is finally constructed. All the practical aspects of building a system for the real world cannot be reflected in the design. However, this does not undermine the importance of design.

The Analysis Phase

“The purpose of analysis is to provide a description of a problem. The description must be complete, consistent, readable and reviewable by diverse interested parties and testable against reality.” – Mellor
The analysis or the Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) phase considers the system as a solution to a problem inn its environment or domain. Broadly, analysis is the phase where users and developers of the system get together and arrive at a common understanding of the system. One of the end products of the analysis phase is the specification on how a system functions.

In the analysis phase, the developer concentrates on obtaining as much information as possible about the problem. The developer has to identify the critical rquirements. Analysis, therefore, involves meeting and interviewing the concerned persons to understand systems that are currently in operation and identifying all the causes of problems (if any) in the current system.

The Design Phase

In the design phase, the developers of the system document their understanding of the system. Design generates the blueprint of the system that is to be implemented.

The first step in creating an Object-Oriented Deign (OOD) is the identification of classes and their inter-relationships.

Work in the design phase of software development is comparable to the work of an architect. The architect will need to create a blueprint or a model of the building before the construction of the building starts.

The Implementation Phase

The design phase is followed by OOP, which is the implementation phase. OOP provides specifications for writing programs in a programming language. One of the most popular languages used to write object-oriented programs in C#.

During the implementation phase, programming is done as per the requirements gathered during the analysis and design phases.

Many of the modern applications are bulit by using OOP. Developing complex, large-scale business systems can be simplified by using OOP techniques. Some of the applications that can be built by using OOP techniques. Some of the applications that can be built by using OOP techniques are Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Object-Oriented Databases.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Resilience To Change in C# Tutorial

Previous Article 

My dear readers,
                          After a long time I'm back on my blog. From last one and a half year I was busy building my business Assorted Collection. This is my retail store in my home town Agra. From now on I will give time to my passion "Blogging". Last time we discussed about How TO Create Objects in C#. Today we will discuss resilience to change in C#

Resilience To Change

The object-oriented approach allows systems to evolve. When a change is suggested, the old system need not to be completely abandoned. consider the example of Lovable Toys, Inc, is a company that manufactures toys for children in the age group of 1 to 12. its car toys are popular with children because of their attractive colors, shape and sound.

For a couple of years, the company had no cause for complain about the design of the toy car. However, due to advancement in technology and increasing competition, the designers now want to stop manufacturing the old car because the market requirements have changed. They want the company to manufacture a car that has flashing lights is remotely controlled.

In the object-oriented system, this requirement does not mean that the new car needs to be built from scratch. The new features can be easily incorporated in the old toy car without modifying the color, shape and sound of the old toy car.

Resilience to change also results in easier maintenance. this feature of object-oriented methodology is known as extensibility. The ability of a class to inherit features from another class also makes object-oriented programs more extensible. For the same reason, even during construction, parts of the system under development can be refined without any major changes to other parts.

Existence as Different Forms

Using the object-oriented approach, objects can be made to respond differently to the same message. The response is decided based on the information or parameters provided with the message.

if a car collides against an object, the behavior of the car after the collision will depend on the speed of the car and nature of the object that hit the car. For example, if the car collides with another car at high speed, both the cars will be smashed and the drivers might get injured. on the other hand, if a car collides with a street light at a slow speed, the impact would be less. The ability to react differently based on the information associated with the message is known as polymorphism.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Finally I'm Back!

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Hey Friends,

After almost 1 year break I'm Back on my blog.....

I was busy in my business.....From now you ll get regular updates on my blog.

I have a news for you

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Regards & Lots Of Love

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How TO Create Objects in C#, Tutorial

Creating Objects
Declaring Variables Or Objects
A variable is a location in the memory that has a name and contains a value. The value could be an integer, such as 17, a decimal, such as 7.35, or a character, such as 'B'.  A variable is associated with a data type that defines the type of data, which can be stored in a object. For example, a object called BatsmanName will ideally  store characters, whereas a variable called High_Score will store numbers. A program refers to a object by its name.

Naming Variables/Objects in C#

The following rules are used for naming variables in C#:
  • Must begin with a letter or an underscore ('_'), which may be followed by a sequence of letters, digits (0-9), or underscores. The first character in a variable name cannot be a digit.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Declare Classes in C#, Tutorial,

In previous article we discussed What is Compilers? . Now we will Ho To Declare Classes In C#.

Consider the following code example, which defines a class :

public class Hello
public static void Main(string [ ] args)


System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello, World! \n");



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