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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ram Myth Or History

Did Ram exist?

Its a question that has pitted historians against believers time and again. While historians cite lack of evidence to say Ram was a mythical personality, those who believe otherwise claim that significant evidence exists to confirm that Ram was a mythical personality, those who believe otherwise claim that significant evidence exists to confirm that Ram existed in flesh in blood. So, where does the truth lie?

According to R P Tripathi, professor of ancient history at Allahabad University, History requires concrete evidence in the form of coins, inscriptions, etc to prove the existence of a character. Even if we take into account places mentioned in the Ramayana like Chitrakoot, Ayoudya, which still exist, the fact is that Ramayana is not a historical text. So, from that perspective, there is no historical evidence available of Ram. Having said that, we still cannot negate Rama presence easily, since he has been a part of our collective consciousness for a long time.

In fact, it is a precisely of this, that we cannot look at Ram obejectivaly, since he has made the transition from being simply a character in an epic to a religious figure, Council of Historical Reserch. “In mythology, there are many characters who have been similarily mentioned. Does that mean that they all existed? he asks.

So, are all mythical texts just that----only myth? Or, is there, somewhere, a grain of truth in them? Myths have to be carefully interpreted to find that grain of truth. In Ramayana case, there is no evidence to prove that it is anything else except a myth. There is also no evidence----either historical or archaeological---which proves that Ram ever existed ot that he ruled Ayodhya, claims Settar.

However; there are some who beg to differ: If archaeology cannot prove whether a temple existed at Ayoudya or a mosque just 500 years ago, what help can it render in establishing historical events more than 7,000 years ago? asks Pushkar Bhatanagar, author of the book, Dating The Era Of Lord Ram. The time has come to deliberate whether it is reasonable to be confined to only these kind of evidences for the purpose of proving the antiquity of an event and construct history. If the masons of those times failed to construct buildings which could survive seven millennia, an inference should not be drawn that the country had no inhabitants at that time or that Ram is a myth, he adds.

However, history requires substantial evidence that can satisfy all academics, says R S Bidht, former Jt DG of the Archaeological Survey of India, Historical evidence has been found about such personalities as Ashoka, who left behind edicts. Unless similer evidence is found about personalities like Ram, it will be difficult to prove their existence, he says.
Will such evidence ever be found, considering that the cities of the time have been built several times over? Nobody knows. For the time being, however, Ram remains a myth, at least in the eyes of history.

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