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Friday, December 7, 2007

What Is Love?

This question of ten occurs to me.
Is it a feeling. Am emotion.
Or just a tendency?
Love surely deals with the matters of the heart.
But the mind, too, plays an important part.
Love has no limit, nor has it any bound.
Those knowing love, know the soul`s profound.
Love is not just an ordinary feeling.
Once you find it, it`s vital for your being.
Love brings along joy, and also little pain.
It has a few losses but lots of gain.
Love has no causes, nor valid reasons.
Nor does it change like any of the seasons.
Love involves emotion, it needs understanding.
It is not the outcome of any preplanning.
The true meaning of love
Is not as simple as it`s definition,
Neither are words enough to give its explanation.
To know what is love, it needs to be felt.
That`s how I`ve known
Why love is simply, the best…

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