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Thursday, October 28, 2010

How TO Create Objects in C#, Tutorial

Creating Objects
Declaring Variables Or Objects
A variable is a location in the memory that has a name and contains a value. The value could be an integer, such as 17, a decimal, such as 7.35, or a character, such as 'B'.  A variable is associated with a data type that defines the type of data, which can be stored in a object. For example, a object called BatsmanName will ideally  store characters, whereas a variable called High_Score will store numbers. A program refers to a object by its name.

Naming Variables/Objects in C#

The following rules are used for naming variables in C#:
  • Must begin with a letter or an underscore ('_'), which may be followed by a sequence of letters, digits (0-9), or underscores. The first character in a variable name cannot be a digit.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Declare Classes in C#, Tutorial,

In previous article we discussed What is Compilers? . Now we will Ho To Declare Classes In C#.

Consider the following code example, which defines a class :

public class Hello
public static void Main(string [ ] args)


System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello, World! \n");



Thursday, October 7, 2010

Win 3 Domains - On 2nd Birthday of Bloggerstop

Two Weeks back BloggerStop turns 2. & today Divya Sai the administrator of this superb blog become 22. To celebrate this occasion she is organizing a contest on BloggerStop.

To share the happiness with all the readers of BloggerStop, She giving away three (3) domains for free. To participate in this contest, simply spread the word:

1. Tweet it; you'll get 1 entry-point.
2. Share it on Facebook; you'll get 1 entry-point.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What is Compilers? Use of Compilers in C-Sharp

Previous Article

All languages have a vocabulary, which is a list of words that have a specific meaning in that language. Languages also have their own grammar rules, which state the rules, which state the rules for combining words to form sentences.

This is what ensures that whatever is spoken in a particular language is interpreted similarly by all people who understand the language. Similarly, programming languages also have a vocabulary , which is referred to as the set of keywords of that language, and a grammar, which is referred to as the syntax.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Popular Posts and Blog’s Stats Gadgets Now Graduate from Blogger Draft

Two days back Blogger Announce that Popular Post & Stats Gadgets now officially available for all users. after making few tweaks,  they are both now ready for the main stage. The new-and-improved Popular Posts and Blog’s Stats gadgets can be added to your blog right now from the Gadget Directory by clicking Add a gadget from the Design | Page Elements tab.

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